
The Las Vegas Metropolitan Inter-Alumni Council was chartered in 2006 for the purpose of galvanizing the alumni from all the 104 Historical Black Colleges in the city. The goal is to assist them in forming alumni chapters for their universities so that additional support will be provided to them in their recruiting and fund-raising endeavors.

The LV/IAC/UNCF is a member of the National Alumni Association which is the volunteer

component of the United Negro College Fund.

Our Purpose

· Increase the number of individual HBCU alumni contributors and contributions to their alma maters.

· Increase individual contributions to the United Negro College Fund.

· Maintain a communications network between alumni of member colleges and other groups and organizations, disseminating information of vital importance to Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other institutions of higher education and supporting collaboration/cooperation between the alumni groups of these institutions.

· Give maximum volunteer assistance to the UNCF campaigns through UNCF Area Offices.

· Acquaint the general public, funding sources, and especially prospective students with the values of Historically Black Colleges and Universities as excellent places of study and as contributors to the civic betterment of community progress.

· Stimulate recent graduates to become active with their alumni associations and LVIAC.

· Serve as a permanent interest group to assist the National Alumni Council and the United Negro College Fund in planning, promoting, and executing annual programs.

UNCF National Officers 

Michael Lomax

President and CEO of UNCF

Michael Cleveland

President of National Alumni Association

Monica Sudduth

Regional Development Director/UNCF

Las Vegas Metropolitan Inter-Alumni Council Officers

President - Dr. Lynda Johnson 

Recording Secretary - Jean Jones 

Corresponding Secretary - Yvonne Daniely

Financial Secretary - Annetta Lawrence 

Treasurer - Melanie Buckner 

Parliamentarian - Brenda Mingo 

Chaplain - Dr. Marion Bell

Membership Chair - Flora Shaffer 

Public Relations & 

Communications Chair - Dr. Jazz Walker

Hospitality Chair - Kimberly Adams 

Emeritus and Founder - Peggy Selma 

Presidents 2006-2023

Peggy M Selma

Khalid Tatum Sultan

Conte Moore

Alberta Mitchell

Harvey Williams

King Duncan

Arlene Bowie